Whova Exhibitor Guide
Access the Setup Page
There are two ways to access the exhibitor portal. This portal is where you will set up your exhibitor booth. The exhibitor portal is part of the “backend” of Whova products. Some features are only available on the mobile app and are not available on the desktop version. For example, you cannot update your photos or company name, message attendees or scan leads.
OPTION 1: If you are an exhibitor, the event organizer will send you a personal link to access your online exhibitor portal. The URL will be unique to the event, and will include “portal_mgmt”. When you open it, the link will allow you to set up your exhibitor booth.
OPTION 2: Sign into the web app and enter the Exhibitors tab on the left-hand side of the page. Find your booth in the list of booths and click Edit Booth, this will take you to the same page as option one.
To successfully log in, please sign-in with the email you used when you registered for the event as an exhibitor.
You will get multiple sections to fill out including, Promotional Offers, Company Showcase, Company Information, and Primary Contact.
Once you’ve filled out all relevant information, agree to the Whova Terms of Service, and click Submit.
You will then get a confirmation email from Whova that includes a link you can use to continue to update your booth.
You have to be a booth staff or a lead booth staff to have access to the mobile app. If you are a main contact only, and not a booth staff or a lead booth staff, you cannot sign in to or have access to the mobile app features in this guide.
Sign into the mobile app with the email the event organizer registered you with. Go to the Home tab at the bottom of the screen.
Please use the email you used when you registered for the event as an exhibitor. Otherwise the exhibitor tools will not be available to you.
Find the Exhibitor Hub section, and click on the Exhibiting Booth Profile.
From there, you can fully customize your profile by adding a company photo, uploading general photos for the booth, changing your company name, and more. Check more customization options below.
To add information or change it later, just click Edit on the side of each section title, change what you want, and click Save.
Stay Connected!
Don’t miss a moment at the Hawaii Restaurant Association Food Service Expo. Download the Whova app today and get ready to make the most of your event experience!
For any technical support or questions about the app, please contact info@hawaiirestaurant.org or fill out this form for additional assistance.